Physical Restraint and Seclusion Policy
Each School Department in AOS 96 has adopted the Physical Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Procedures as of October, 2021.
Student Wellness Policy
The School Committee recognizes that student wellness and good nutrition are related to students’ physical and psychological well-being and their readiness to learn. The School Committee is committed to providing a school environment that supports student wellness, healthy food choices, nutrition education, and regular physical activity. The School Committee believes that students who learn and practice healthy lifestyles in their formative years may be more likely to be conscious of the importance of good nutrition and exercise as adults, practice healthy habits, and reduce their risk of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Parent Notification of Assessment Opt Out Polices under Section 1112(e)(2) of The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)
On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) was signed into law. Section 1112(e)(2) of ESSA states that parents of students in Title I schools have a right to know about state or division policies regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA, including any policy, procedure, or parental right to opt students out of such assessments.
For Questions or more information please contact Mary Maker at A.O.S. 96 Central Office at 207.255.4381